Group Contacts

General information and inquiries

For information and inquiries about our tasks and events together with messages for our elected officers (chair, secretary and treasurer), please use the following link: Inquiry

Task inquiries

For general inquiries about tasks, please use the above link.

If you need urgent information about a particular task, please refer to the 'General Information and Contacts' details for that task in the Programme where a phone number may be found.

Weekly Email

If you would like to receive our weekly email containing details of forthcoming activities together with other items which may be of interest, please subscribe using the following link: Subscribe

You may unsubscribe at any time.

Links to other websites
We occasionally receive requests to add items to the Links pages of the website. Unfortunately some of the suggested links have proven 'problematic' and because of the time and effort required to verify the authenticity of suggestions we will no longer consider for inclusion items suggested by individuals and organisations not known to the Group. We apologise to those who have a genuine interest in the Group's activities but trust you will appreciate our reasons.