Thursday, 3rd October 2024
14:00 - 16:00
RiSC, 35 - 39 London Street, Reading, RG1 4PS
Apologises for Absence
To discuss and understand the implications of the changes to our insurance and reaffirm our commitment to welcome children (with reasonable constraints regarding parental supervision, etc.) and vulnerable adults to participate in the group's activities.
To agree the changes needed to our processes and procedures in order to comply with the requirements of our insurance.
To agree how and when these changes will be implemented.
To agree how the implemented changes will be monitored to ensure we can demonstrate compliance.
Footnote: At the recent AGM, there was a discussion about Econet's possible involvement in Social Prescribing and the implications this might
have for our procedures such as those relating to safeguarding. As a result it was decided to undertake a more general review of our policies and
procedures. This review has identified a recent change to the terms of our insurance which means that if we wish to continue to allow children and those
deemed vulnerable to participate in our activities and to have cover in the event of a claim being made against us for abuse, then our processes and
procedures must be updated. It should be noted that our constitution states 'Membership shall be open to anyone interested in taking part in
the work of the group .....'.
The following document contains extracts of the relevant sections of our insurance policy together with an outline of a possible way forward: Supporting documentation